I am always on the search for the perfect handbag to wear to work, on business travel or in meetings. It needs to be sleek, chic and practical! I need to carry so many items daily because when I am on the road my bag is truly a “mobile office”.
My work bag needs to be light with a sophisticated and polished look as I don’t like a great deal of adornment on my work bags. My mantra for work attire and accessories is less is more. I want to be clutter free when I dress so I can set my mind on my business.
The Tom Ford Hollywood top handle bag is perfection! It comes in black or Bordeaux leather with a bold shape that I adore. The outside front pockets are useful to tuck in a passport, tickets or an item I want quick access to.
My design hero Tom Ford can’t do wrong because he is a master of the sleek chic. Fashion doesn’t have to be loud but can be subtle and elegant. I can have different images and the one I want to convey for business is one of knowledge, grace and strength.
I am a proponent of elegance in all manners of my life!