I adore the art work of Kourosh Gorji because it touches my senses! There are times when an artist’s message finds a connection with one and you bond with his or her work. In Kourosh’s work I see inner reflection and a story that needs to be told. I feel in love with his “I am my OWN GURU” painting because of the figures, thoughts and feelings it provoked within me.
Kourosh states the following in reference to his painting:
“Each one of us has our own timing, rhythm and inner map to enlightenment. All you need to know is already inside you. It is up to you to explore all that makes you whole, navigating your ego to embrace the true life your soul is here to live.”
I am truly fortunate that is beautiful painting is hanging in my office and inspiring me to think and reflect each day when business demands seem to take over. One must place all in life in perspective and realize that with inner peace we can accomplish a great deal more on a daily basis.